Early Work
Gradient/Trajectory Matching Surrogate Objective
Distribution/Feature Matching Surrogate Objective
Dataset Distillation via the Wasserstein Metric
Dataset Condensation with Latent Quantile Matching
Kernel-Based Distillation
Provable and Efficient Dataset Distillation for Kernel Ridge Regression
Distilled Dataset Parametrization
Dataset Condensation with Latent Space Knowledge Factorization and Sharing
Slimmable Dataset Condensation
Few-Shot Dataset Distillation via Translative Pre-Training
MGDD: A Meta Generator for Fast Dataset Distillation
Leveraging Hierarchical Feature Sharing for Efficient Dataset Condensation
Generative Distillation
Dataset Condensation via Generative Model
Generative Dataset Distillation: Balancing Global Structure and Local Details
Data-to-Model Distillation: Data-Efficient Learning Framework
Latent Dataset Distillation with Diffusion Models
Better Optimization
MIM4DD: Mutual Information Maximization for Dataset Distillation
Dataset Distillation in Latent Space
Teddy: Efficient Large-Scale Dataset Distillation via Taylor-Approximated Matching
Better Understanding
On Implicit Bias in Overparameterized Bilevel Optimization
On the Size and Approximation Error of Distilled Sets
A Theoretical Study of Dataset Distillation
Mitigating Bias in Dataset Distillation
Dataset Distillation from First Principles: Integrating Core Information Extraction and Purposeful Learning
Not All Samples Should Be Utilized Equally: Towards Understanding and Improving Dataset Distillation
Label Distillation
Label-Augmented Dataset Distillation
DRUPI: Dataset Reduction Using Privileged Information
Dataset Quantization
Decoupled Distillation
Information Compensation: A Fix for Any-scale Dataset Distillation
Curriculum Dataset Distillation
Multimodal Distillation
Self-Supervised Distillation
Object Detection
Fetch and Forge: Efficient Dataset Condensation for Object Detection
A Comprehensive Study on Dataset Distillation: Performance, Privacy, Robustness and Fairness
Data Distillation: A Survey
Ph.D. Thesis
Data-efficient Neural Network Training with Dataset Condensation
1st CVPR Workshop on Dataset Distillation
Continual Learning
Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting with Learning on Synthetic Data
Privacy for Free: How does Dataset Condensation Help Privacy?
No Free Lunch in "Privacy for Free: How does Dataset Condensation Help Privacy"
Understanding Reconstruction Attacks with the Neural Tangent Kernel and Dataset Distillation
Rethinking Backdoor Attacks on Dataset Distillation: A Kernel Method Perspective
Differentially Private Dataset Condensation
Adaptive Backdoor Attacks Against Dataset Distillation for Federated Learning
Communication-Efficient Federated Skin Lesion Classification with Generalizable Dataset Distillation
Importance-Aware Adaptive Dataset Distillation
MedSynth: Leveraging Generative Model for Healthcare Data Sharing
Progressive Trajectory Matching for Medical Dataset Distillation
Dataset Distillation in Medical Imaging: A Feasibility Study
Dataset Distillation for Histopathology Image Classification
Federated Learning
Federated Learning via Synthetic Data
Distilled One-Shot Federated Learning
FedSynth: Gradient Compression via Synthetic Data in Federated Learning
Meta Knowledge Condensation for Federated Learning
Federated Virtual Learning on Heterogeneous Data with Local-global Distillation
An Aggregation-Free Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity
DCFL: Non-IID Awareness Dataset Condensation Aided Federated Learning
Graph Neural Network
No further updates will be made regarding graph distillation topics as sufficient papers and summary projects are already available on the subject
Graph Condensation via Receptive Field Distribution Matching
Fair Graph Distillation
Graph Neural Network - Survey
Graph Neural Network - Benchmark
Neural Architecture Search
Calibrated Dataset Condensation for Faster Hyperparameter Search
Fashion, Art, and Design
Learning from Designers: Fashion Compatibility Analysis Via Dataset Distillation
Recommender Systems
Gradient Matching for Categorical Data Distillation in CTR Prediction
Blackbox Optimization
Can We Achieve Robustness from Data Alone?
Towards Robust Dataset Learning
Rethinking Data Distillation: Do Not Overlook Calibration
Towards Trustworthy Dataset Distillation
Towards Adversarially Robust Dataset Distillation by Curvature Regularization
Data Distillation for Text Classification
Textual Dataset Distillation via Language Model Embedding
Towards Efficient Deep Hashing Retrieval: Condensing Your Data via Feature-Embedding Matching
Video Set Distillation: Information Diversification and Temporal Densifica
Domain Adaptation
Multi-Source Domain Adaptation Meets Dataset Distillation through Dataset Dictionary Learning
Super Resolution
GSDD: Generative Space Dataset Distillation for Image Super-resolution
Time Series
Dataset-Distillation Generative Model for Speech Emotion Recognition
Machine Unlearning
Distilled Datamodel with Reverse Gradient Matching
Reinforcement Learning
Distilling Long-tailed Datasets
Learning with Noisy Labels